Beta Review Master 1.1a by

Latin Typing Key

a_ e_ i_ o_ u_
ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Latin: An intensive Course Unit 4
  • Latin: An intensive Course Unit 4
    •    A. a loved one, loving one, friend
    •    B. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    C. of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless
    •    D. a god, deity
    •    A. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    B. to erase, efface, obliterate, blot out
    •    C. to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct
    •    D. the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
    •    A. a god, deity
    •    B. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    C. nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall
    •    D. of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless
    •    A. a loved one, loving one, friend
    •    B. book, volume, inner bark of a tree
    •    C. a shade, shadow
    •    D. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    A. of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless
    •    B. loving, friendly, kind, favorable
    •    C. the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
    •    D. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    A. the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
    •    B. to give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign
    •    C. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    D. a deed, act, exploit, achievement
    •    A. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    B. to see, discern, perceive
    •    C. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    D. a loved one, loving one, friend
    •    A. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    B. a table
    •    C. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    D. food, victuals, nutriment, fodder:
    •    A. nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall
    •    B. around, round about, all around
    •    C. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    D. a vessel of baked clay, vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn
    •    A. to see, discern, perceive
    •    B. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    C. to erase, efface, obliterate, blot out
    •    D. to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct
    •    A. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    B. a town, city, collection of dwellings
    •    C. a god, deity
    •    D. a trial, experiment, attempt, test, proof, essay
    •    A. to see, discern, perceive
    •    B. around, round about, all around
    •    C. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    D. a deed, act, exploit, achievement
    •    A. to answer, reply, respond, make answer
    •    B. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    C. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    D. nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall
    •    A. true, real, actual, genuine
    •    B. a loved one, loving one, friend
    •    C. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    D. a deed, act, exploit, achievement
    •    A. to read, to bring together, gather, collect
    •    B. book, volume, inner bark of a tree
    •    C. regarded with honor, respected, honored, of high birth, distinguished, honorable, respectable, noble
    •    D. a daughter
    •    A. a son
    •    B. a table
    •    C. true, real, actual, genuine
    •    D. a town, city, collection of dwellings
    •    A. application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
    •    B. a country-house, country-seat, farm, villa
    •    C. regarded with honor, respected, honored, of high birth, distinguished, honorable, respectable, noble
    •    D. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    A. to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch
    •    B. unfriendly, hostile, inimical
    •    C. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    D. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    A. because
    •    B. a vessel of baked clay, vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn
    •    C. nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall
    •    D. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    A. regarded with honor, respected, honored, of high birth, distinguished, honorable, respectable, noble
    •    B. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    C. to read, to bring together, gather, collect
    •    D. to cover, cover over
    •    A. book, volume, inner bark of a tree
    •    B. a daughter
    •    C. because
    •    D. a shade, shadow
    •    A. because
    •    B. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    C. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    D. a god, deity
    •    A. to answer, reply, respond, make answer
    •    B. food, victuals, nutriment, fodder:
    •    C. a daughter
    •    D. a table
    •    A. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    B. to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch
    •    C. application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
    •    D. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    A. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    B. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    C. food, victuals, nutriment, fodder:
    •    D. a town, city, collection of dwellings
    •    A. unfriendly, hostile, inimical
    •    B. to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell
    •    C. the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
    •    D. a town, city, collection of dwellings
    •    A. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    B. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    C. a trial, experiment, attempt, test, proof, essay
    •    D. a table
    •    A. to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct
    •    B. a son
    •    C. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    D. a trial, experiment, attempt, test, proof, essay
    •    A. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty
    •    B. a son
    •    C. of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless
    •    D. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    A. to give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign
    •    B. because
    •    C. true, real, actual, genuine
    •    D. application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
    •    A. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty
    •    B. a town, city, collection of dwellings
    •    C. to read, to bring together, gather, collect
    •    D. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    A. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    B. to answer, reply, respond, make answer
    •    C. to read, to bring together, gather, collect
    •    D. the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven
    •    A. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    B. to read, to bring together, gather, collect
    •    C. application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study
    •    D. a god, deity
    •    A. to cover, cover over
    •    B. a deed, act, exploit, achievement
    •    C. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    D. because
    •    A. true, real, actual, genuine
    •    B. a table
    •    C. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    D. to give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign
    •    A. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty
    •    B. to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch
    •    C. to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit
    •    D. a shade, shadow
    •    A. to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch
    •    B. to come to know, see into, perceive, understand, discern, comprehend, gather
    •    C. nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall
    •    D. a vessel of baked clay, vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn
    •    A. unfriendly, hostile, inimical
    •    B. true, real, actual, genuine
    •    C. dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved:
    •    D. to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct
    •    A. a vessel of baked clay, vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn
    •    B. to erase, efface, obliterate, blot out
    •    C. a table
    •    D. to see, discern, perceive
    •    A. to make, do, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
    •    B. a vessel of baked clay, vessel for drawing water, water-pot, water-jar, urn
    •    C. a country-house, country-seat, farm, villa
    •    D. around, round about, all around